Dry Land, Dry Hearts
When I painted this in 2009, Alberta had been experiencing a drought for a few years. The farmers were having a hard time. Where I noticed it the most was in our ravine where we walked our dogs everyday – particularly the trees. We started losing a lot of them. There wasn't enough snow to keep the birch and some of the poplar trees alive through the cold of the winter. The air seemed to wick away all the moisture so in the big windstorms big trees would just fall over, uprooted. When it rained the water seemed to disappear. The ground was so dry it didn't even retain the water but acted more like a sieve; within an hour or two or even less than that you wouldn't know it had rained; the ground was parched and cracked again.We are like that parched, dry land. Our hearts are thirsty for the Living Water. We have a yearning for him that we don't always understand. God has chosen us; he wants to pour his living water on our thirsty hearts, if we will let him. As the Living Water flows through us we in turn bring life to the world around us. . We, too, are thirsty, like the ground, we thirst for God… O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.Psalm 63:1
Status of original: Available
Signed, Limited Edition Prints of this painting are available in the following sizes: Medium and Large.