Scarred Lands, Scarred Hearts
We are all familiar with Fort McMurray and the Alberta Oilsands. They have been a great economic boon for our Province our country and each one of us. I know my family has certainly benefitted this last year as my children and my husband have all had to look for work and it was never hard to find. But do we like the money, do we trust the money so much that we turn a blind eye to the environmental impact? I’m not trying to answer that question today, but, because there is so much money and so much temptation, I feel it’s a question we need honestly consider and keep considering, not just for governments and corporations, but for ourselves as well. Where are we putting our trust, what is the legacy we are building and leaving for the generations to come? When we persist in pursuing our own way, we leave environmental damage in our wake as well; the wreckage and wasteland of broken relationships, addictions, bruised hearts, emotional morass. We are broken, hurting, scarred, and damaged like that scarred land.
Poem: Isn't It?
Status of original: Available