I find it restful to spend time in nature, sitting and just being or with a sketchbook in hand to capture the essence of a place, a feeling of the space and the memory that goes with it. I sometimes remember to take a photo too. Then in the studio, I can work on a larger painting from the sketch, my memory and the photo. I no longer feel the need to "have to get something accomplished." And when I do sketch, it can be quick.
You can read some of the posts of what I have written about being/finding presence, and resting. I feel I have come a long way in understanding what Madeline L'Engle talked about to sit and just be.
In Jasper: I spent time at Tangle Falls sketching the four levels of falls in preparation to the Water in the Landscape workshop. I was also just wanting to see the falls again to put it more fully in my memory so that I can complete a painting I have been working on (as a demo for textures in acrylic classes) for a couple of years now.
In Spokane: We went hiking at Fishtrap Recreation Area and the old Folsom Farm. I had hoped to see the falls, but it was a dry falls instead. It must be beautiful in the spring. These two sketches are from the old farm:
We also went kayaking on the Spokane river three times. The last time I took my sketchbook to capture the Osprey- but they were away from their nest. I sketched the seagulls instead. :)
The following sketches were from the recent trip to move our son daughter-in-law and granddaughter to Voctoria. When I wasn't needed, I relaxed by sketching a bit. When moving in a vehicle it is almost as much about memory of what you saw, because it is not in front of your vision for very long.
Planes move fast! I captured bits and pieces of the various islands as we passed overhead.